


Controlling solenoid valves with our electronic drivers provides significant improvements :

  • Optimized power consumption (Up to 90% power reduction), a very attractive solution for highly consuming valves, mobile equipments and battery-based applications
  • Very fast open & close valves allowing end-user machines to be faster and highly efficient
  • Very precise rate ( <1msec), especially needed for demanding dosing applications
  • No more heating, which increase the lifetime of valves even in harsh environment
  • Intelligent and interactive functionalities such as diagnostics, useful for preventive maintenance
  • Miniaturization : electronically controlled small valves offer the same level of performance of bigger valves

“If you are facing one of the issues listed above, you are at the right place”

Elactis standard PWM drivers cover a wide range of parameters such as voltage, current or connector type:

  • Power saving "Hit and Hold" connector (ADRV0001)
  • Smart power driver to accelerate switching which includes diagnostics (ADRV0002)
  • Power saving regardless of power supply and temperature (ADRV0003)
  • Universal voltage power saving connector (ADRV0007BI, ADRV0008A)
  • High power solenoid driver (ADRV1003W, ADRV1012K)
  • Valve islands driver (MSD08)
  • Low cost power saving driver (ADRV1026)

To help you choose between the different ADRVs products, here is a comparison matrix of the advantages for your solenoid application:

  ADRV0001 ADRV0002 ADRV0003 ADRV0008
Power saving + +++ ++ ++
Heating limitation ++ ++ ++ ++
Wear reduction   ++    
Ambient temperature range increase   ++ ++ ++
Power supply range increase   ++ ++ +++
Power supply 6V - 27V DC 20V - 350V DC
21V - 250V AC
Opening and closing time precision and stabilization + +++ ++ +
Protection of customer electronics against coil discharge
Protection against short-cuts
Detection of the coil connection x
LED (optional) x


We design, develop and produce all custom electronic solutions related to fluid control that meet specific requirements. We can provide our clients with complete OEM functions.

We can help you to solve all solenoid issues, and discuss together the potential development to be integrated in your solenoid-based systems.

We would be happy to collaborate with you, design and develop the system for your requirements:

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