ASVP0001: Solenoid Valve Protector to maintain the performances of your machine

You have certainly noticed degradation of the solenoid's performances due to the electronic command of your machine. This is due to the protection in the electronic drive circuit to prevent the solenoid from damaging this circuit. In order to maintain the performances of all the solenoid valves integrated in your machine, we have developed an electronic solution which acts as an interface between the electronics and the solenoid. Our solution allows you to avoid any influence on the solenoid valve due to the driving electronics, and vice versa. Note that all solenoid valves should be protected by such interface.

If you add our valve protector "ASVP0001" to all your solenoid valves, you will have:

  • full protection of the control electronics against adverse voltages produced by the solenoid valves
  • fast turn-off of valves as the valve's response time in turn-off stage is enhanced
  • Precise turn-off response time of valve thanks to independence on the rest of driving electronics
Please, have a look at the datasheet in order to get more technical details about the product.

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